Cherry Acai Bowl recipe

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hi there! Recently I got a new addiction and the hot weather doesn't help. A few months ago a new place opened in Biarritz. It's named Biarritz Bali Bowls and makes all these super healthy and delicious acai bowls that make you dream of tropical beaches and palm tees.... I'm completely hooked!
So, when Blandine from Food Moods asked me to share her super yummi Cherry Acai Bowl recipe I was so stoked. Who am I to say no to acai bowls??!
So today we learn how to make this super food which will make you cry for joy at every mouthful :)

Hi, it’s Blandine from Food Moods! I’m glad to be sharing today one of my favourite summer recipes over on Surfragette.

Acai bowls are becoming incredibly popular, and for good reason! Not only do they taste amazing, but they are also full of health benefits. Acai berries are the fruit of a palm tree native to Brazil and are often qualified as a superfood, being very rich in antioxidants, fibres, heart-healthy compounds, vitamins and minerals. They can be found in purée form or dry powder and used in smoothies or in acai bowls. These can be enjoyed for breakfast, or at any time of day, really. I find that they make the perfect post-surf snack, to refuel and rehydrate after a couple of hours spent in the water. 

When cherries are not in season, other berries (fresh or frozen) can be used instead, such as strawberries, raspberries or blueberries. As for the toppings, below are a few suggestions, but feel free to use your favourite such as sliced fresh fruits, shredded coconut, chia seeds, raw cacao nibs, bee pollen, etc.

Cherry Acai Bowl
serves 2

2 frozen bananas, sliced
1 large handful pitted black cherries, fresh or frozen
125ml almond milk
1tbsp almond butter
2tbsp acai powder
Granola, fresh cherries and banana slices to top up

1. Place the frozen bananas, cherries, almond milk, almond butter and acai powder in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy (it might take a few minutes for the bananas to turn into ice-cream texture). 
2. Transfer to a serving bowl and top up with home-made granola, cherry slices and banana slices. Serve straight away.

Delicious, isn't it?
So guys, make sure you visit Blandine's blog to discover other super yummi and healthy summer recipes :)

You might also like these yummy acai bliss balls: 

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