Blue winter // A surfing day in the cold season

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Last week it was too cold for me to surf. I had been in the ocean the day before, but two days in a row with 3 Celsius degrees outside and 11 in the water was too much for me.

Not for Andrea though. So, I took advantage of my time off from the ocean and decided to snap some pictures at the beautiful scenery.
The lineup was far from crowded, but despite the harsh conditions, some other brave surfers joined Andrea in the ocean and enjoyed this perfect cold surf.

The waves were just pure perfection and the contrast in colors made the whole atmosphere glacially ethereal. The blues of the water and the sky, the shades on the smooth surface, everything breathed winter magic...

Surfer: Andrea Scatolero, Surfboard: Chipiron Surfboards

1 comment on "Blue winter // A surfing day in the cold season"
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