My beach cottage // Tips and tricks for rental houses

Friday, November 7, 2014
Having moved to another country, with my baggage half-done under the bed and always ready for the next adventures is not the right way to settle down and look for stability.
That's why my boyfriend and I chose to rent a house instead of buying it. We had the chance to find a two bedrooms flat right next to the beach and we love it.
But as most of you may know, not owning your house means a lot of restrictions about decoration, furniture, paint, etc. That's why it's often difficult to create YOUR OWN space and feel really at home.

After a year living in this apartment, we somehow managed to create our little corner of peace and comfort to exploit after long days of work and weekend laziness.

Today I'm sharing with you all the little tips and tricks for turning a rental boring home into a place that reflects your personality, as well as a home tour of my beach apartment.

1. Build your zen corner
Everyone needs their relax corner in their home. It could be in the living room, in a veranda or in a patio (oh, I'm so jealous!). I decided I need my little zen corner in my bedroom. Don't get me wrong: I didn't decorated it with Indian wall hangings or turned the room into a Moroccan riad. I just added a little flowery accent, played with the right curtain to make the light soften and chose a soft color palette for bedding and pillows.

2. The power of scents
Sometimes we underestimate the importance of being surrounded by perfumes in our homes. And I don't mean those chemicals spray they sell at the supermarket.
Being close to the ocean you could feel the smell of humidity in our apartment right when you opened the door. Not cool when inviting people for dinner!
So, introducing fragrances in my home place was definitely the turning point.
Really, scented candles and natural essences can actually make the difference without overwhelming you. And they have the power to throw you into a happy and relaxed mood too.

3. Textiles and layers
Don't be afraid to play with different textiles, blankets, throws and pillows! They can really make the difference. When we first arrived in this flat we hated our sofa. We really did! But after little experiments and adjustments we turned it into something we actually love spending our time in. It's cozy and we can't wait to wrap into our warm blankets and watch movies all night long.

4. Grow your own herbs
Dedicating a little corner for herbs and spices not only will make you proud of something you grew yourself, but will fill your home with life!

5. Plants, plants, plants
As said above, herbs and plants fill your home with life. Not only they make a statement in your house, but they can make you proud of taking care of something that implies cures and attentions to grow.
And they can hide those places you don't want to show or that stayed undecorated.
If you don't have green fingers (like your very own here), go with succulents - they're easy to grow and extremely stylish too.

6. Make room for memories
If you're far from home drop downs can happen and the nostalgia for last summer holidays with your friends can take you when you least expect it. Photos of your family, hanging pictures and little objects from your travels can really cheer you up during those moments. They will always remind you about your roots and give your home that little extra touch of personality it needs to be unique.

I hope these simple steps can help you turn your rental into your special shelter and a home to be proud of. They definitely changed mine!
I hope you enjoyed my home tour.
Do you have other tips and secrets to share?

Credits // Author // Photography: Marta Tomasini

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