It’s About Perspective…

Sunday, August 10, 2014
by Blair Buder

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about perspective, and the mind’s ability to change our perception of everything around us.
I was particularly struck by this idea a month or so ago when I was surfing in San Diego. The waves were small, and there was a lot of waiting in between sets, especially since it was crowded. I was getting increasingly frustrated and annoyed, and as I paddled past another surfer I commented to him about how long the wait was for waves. It was his response that both surprised me and gave me a healthier perspective on the situation: He said with a smile, “More time for meditating.. It’s so beautiful out here.”
Although his comment may not have been particularly prolific, it was striking for me to hear because it was so positive and thoughtful… and about the exact opposite of what I had been thinking a moment earlier.
Since that time, I have been trying to make a concerted effort to try to see and focus on the good in situations, especially those that are difficult; and although it isn’t always easy, it does help to try.
In almost all situations we find ourselves in, there are things that we can change and others that we can’t. We (including myself) tend to dwell on those factors that are out of our control, even though doing so is a waste of both time and energy. When we bring our awareness and focus on those things that are within our control, we then become more mindful of ourselves and our environment, and are able to respond in a better and more appropriate way.
Whether it is sitting in traffic, not surfing well, getting into a fight with a loved one, or being reprimanded at work, there is something positive to be taken from any experience. If nothing else, be glad that you are alive to experience this beautiful world we live in. As surfers, we are fortunate enough to share in a very special part of that beauty, and it is important that we carry that appreciation with us wherever we go, which my wonderful friend Marta recently reminded me of. Life isn’t supposed to be easy, but it is supposed to be a great adventure.
I hope you all try to see the good in yourselves and the world around you. Remember that the challenges we are faced with are all opportunities for growth and learning, and we have the choice to make that experience either a positive or negative one.

It’s up to each of us, every day.

Credits // Author: Blair Buder
2 comments on "It’s About Perspective…"
  1. Wise words, of which we all need to be reminded every once in a while. You inspire me! Keep on surfing!

    - xx

    1. Hi Maja! It's always good to know we all share the same feelings.
      Thanks for reading and sharing your comment! Keep the stoke up


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