Jump into the blue - The travel that changed my life

Friday, July 4, 2014

When I think about summer, I instantly think about traveling. All of my best memories take place during the sunny season, and most of them are from my travels.

A couple of days ago, I came across some pictures I took a few years back during a trip to Morocco.
It was in 2010, and at the time I really needed to get away for a while. I had a few friends running a sort of surf camp there, so I decided to go visit them. Less than one week later I had booked my flight, packed my stuff, and was ready for a one-month Moroccan adventure!

I was soon living in a small village in the south of Morocco, and I have to admit that during the first days I found myself crying a lot, as it was quite difficult for me to be disconnected from the modern world. However, over time I slowly came to know a new universe there, and then something happened…

I have always wanted to share about this travel, not only because it is where I first learned how to surf, but also because it pretty much changed the way that I looked at the world…
Living (almost) alone, being in a totally different culture, having only limited communication skills, and finding myself surrounded by wild nature made me think about the way we "occidental people" live our lives. Everything in Morocco was just simple and genuine, and personal interactions were enriched by a deeper meaning…. Something our modern life seemed to have forgotten about.
It was there that I learned how strong and free human beings can be. I grew up a lot during that period of my life, and I finally found the answers I had been looking for.

When it was time to return back home I cried, but I left carrying my new memories with me. And even after my return, I continued to grow every single day from the lessons that I learned there. Even now, I can still feel the perfumes, those voices, those colors, and the surf.
It was a magic month. I finally found myself there.

I share this story of mine to let you know that you don't have to be afraid to just jump into the blue sometimes. Be hungry for adventure, travel, discover the unknown, and fall in love with what you're surrounded by.

You never know what life has planned for you. And all of the best experiences will always come when you least expect them.

Have you ever had some life-changer travel experience? I'd love to hear about them all!
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
And happy 4th of July to all the US readers!

Credits // Author: Marta Tomasini
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