Living in Biarritz - Surfragette guest at Style Spy

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
A few weeks ago I've been guest blogger at Style Spy. I though you might be interested, so here's the article I wrote about my moving to Biarritz!

Moving in together is always a big step, especially if you decide to move 1200km far from home.
Being Italian didn't help and suddently a few questions popped into my head: “What if I can't find mozzarella at the supermarket?”, “What if the weather is too cold and rainy?”, “What if my parents couldn't come visit me as much as I wish?”. 

But hey, we were moving to Biarritz, the European California. Situated in the South-West of France closed to Spain, it welcomes all the Atlantic swells and low pressure systems. We have been lucky enough to find a cute appartament almost in front of La Côte des Basques, one of the most enchanting places to surf at. It is said that the first wave in Europe has been surfed here in 1957. This became the beginning of Europe's surfing history and you can still smell this “allure” while paddling out with all the ancient locals of the spot.
Yeah, surfing at La Côte des Basques you always have to be respectful and no one will forgive your etiquette mistakes... even if you're a cutie little blonde on a longboard! Try not to catch some waves as soon as you get in the water, always say hi to everybody, cut in someone's wave is strictly forbidden... Then you'll enjoy your time there.

After I found out there was mozzarella at the supermarket, I pleasently realized that even if the rain is massive here you can take advantage of a mostly sunny autumn and winter (in addition to summer). From february to april you better don't plan your holiday here, if you expect to come home in a tropical tan. But hey, change could be fun! So, I'm getting used to leave home wearing several different layers of clothing... Never trust the morning shine!

Being far from home is not always easy. Even if Italian and French people are neighboors, there are a few cutural "nuances" which are not always easy to get used to. But at least you have something to talk about when you come home!

Having the chance to surf (almost) whenever you want is a big deal for someone who was used to drive 2h30 to get a few mellow waves. You wake up and you can smell the ocean breeze calling you. It's a privilege for a few. 

Sometimes I miss Italy - ok, I won't lie to you, I miss it more than sometimes - but I know I'm being lucky living here.

I don't know whether I'm staying here for a long time or not.
Taking this big step let me open up to the next adventures. 

I love being here, but who knows!

Thanks Evey for giving me the chance to share my story with your readers and with all of you out there!

6 comments on "Living in Biarritz - Surfragette guest at Style Spy"
  1. Hello! I really like your blog. I've also moved to France, and am also experiencing the cultural differences sometimes, haha or all the time to honest! But I do love living here. I'm heading to Pays Basque in a couple of weeks, hopefully with my board under my arm, so thanks for the tip about the locals. That will probably be quite useful! Check out my blog at !

    Good luck with everything, and enjoy your time here in France!

    Hang loose!
    -Maja xx

    1. Hi Maja! So happy to hear we share the same feelings about France :) Let me know if my tips will be useful! Anyway, give me a shout when you'll be here. Maybe we can catch a few together!

  2. Hey again! Didn't see you comment until now. Sorry. But yeah, that would be cool! I still don't have a board, but I'm looking for one right now. Anyways, most probably I will come to Biarritz on Tuesday. It would be cool to meet up and have a chat :)
    - Maja xx

  3. Your best resource for surfing tips will be a friend who surfs, every surfer was a beginner at one point and will be able to give you tips which will shorten your learning curve and help you from making many first time beginner mistakes.

    Costa Mesa Women Surf

  4. Hey Marta
    Cute post thanks for sharing. I am planning to visit Biarritz in September. Are there any cool cafes to work from? something digital nomad friendly:-).. Thank you Charlie

    1. Hi Charlie!
      Yes, I think so :) I need to have a look but I think you'll love Milwaukee café in the center of Biarritz and its free wifi and plugs to charge your laptop :) I'm sure there are more, but can't tell you at the moment.

      Hope you'll enjoy your holiday in France!


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